Avengers (1963) #278
A group of unidentified criminals attempt to break into the destroyed Avengers Mansion after its occupation and destruction by the Masters of Evil in Avengers #273-Avengers #277, but are stopped by Wasp and Captain America.
The Avengers set up temporary offices in Four Freedoms Plaza between this issue and the previous issue, they also set up a temporary main headquarters on Hydrobase, where their Quinjets were stored.
Wasp decides to step down from active status and become a reserve member. She names Captain America as acting chairman until they can hold a proper election for a new chairperson.
She-Hulk and Thor rejoin the team.
Doctor Druid is nominated for membership.
Tyrak previously appeared in issue 172. He will appear next in annual 18.
Creators: Roger Stern, John Buscema, Tom Palmer
Release Date: