Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Mirage Years (1993–1995)
Discover a lost piece of TMNT history in this collection of all 13 issues in their original colors from Mirage Studios, previously out of print!After the original 62-issue run of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Mirage continued the series with a new #1 in 1993 and it ran for 13 issues in total. This 13-issue run by TMNT veteran Jim Lawson is now known as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Vol. 2. Picking up after the events of “City At War" (collected in TMNT Compendium Vol. 3), Donatello and Splinter recuperate in Northampton while the rest of the Turtles are in New York City with April. Meanwhile, Baxter Stockman wreaks havoc in the desert at a top-secret D.A.R.P.A. facility. As the family drifts apart a killer robot controlled by Stockman has April in its sights and the boys have to come together to fight it off!
Creators: (W) Jim Lawson
Release Date: 2-18-25
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