CAN GOOD HARVEY OUTSMART BAD HARVEY BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE? When Scarface is kidnapped, Gotham's underworld is thrown into chaos. Is this an isolated incident or the work of the Shadow Hand that Harvey's been tracking of late? Only Two-Face can bring order to the proceedings, but the culprit isn't another mob boss or criminal mastermind--it's a once-famous actor? And she's not after money or revenge, she's after love?! It's a trial of tribulation and romance, and Good Harvey must get to the bottom of it before Bad Harvey takes over.
Creators: Christian Ward, Fabio Veras, Baldemar Rivas
Release Date: 2-5-25
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Release dates listed for preorders are the most up to date information we have from our suppliers but are subject to change and are beyond our control. All preordered items though do ship within 24 hours of being received with most shipping the same day.