: Beryl's life in the desert, living with her aunt and her cat, is relatively simple...until the day she finds and enters the Dollhouse. Stuck inside an ever-changing mystery house that hunts children and turns them into dolls, Beryl goes on a psychedelic journey where she must face the notion of her own limitations and move past them...before she becomes the building's newest prey. Collecting all 5 issues of the series, this collectible cover pack offers limited-edition virgin variants used in publication of this hit series, all at a specially discounted price. Limited to 150! #1 - Caspar Wijngaard Virgin Variant #2 - Sabine Rich Virgin Variant #3 - Maria Llovet Virgin Variant #4 - Maria Llovet Virgin Variant #5 - Sabine Rich Virgin Variant
Creators: (W/A) Maria Llovet (CA) VARIOUS
Release Date: 2-26-25
Delivery time
Release dates listed for preorders are the most up to date information we have from our suppliers but are subject to change and are beyond our control. All preordered items though do ship within 24 hours of being received with most shipping the same day.