Celebrating the Prime Video series adaptation, the second story arc of BRUBAKER and PHILLIPS' groundbreaking crime series returns to print with a stunning new cover painting and design.CRIMINAL, VOL. 2: LAWLESSis story of brotherly love and hate, as Tracy Lawless returns home to find out who murdered his kid brother, and how much their family history has doomed them both. This is where BRUBAKER & PHILLIPS take the world they created in Volume 1 and begin stretching the boundaries of what crime comics can be.CRIMINAL, VOL. 2: LAWLESS__continues the critically acclaimed comic book series from ED BRUBAKER & SEAN PHILLIPS—the creative team behindFATALE,NIGHT FEVER,WHERE THE BODY WAS, and more.
Creators: Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips, Val Staples, Sean Phillips
Release Date: 1-22-25
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Release dates listed for preorders are the most up to date information we have from our suppliers but are subject to change and are beyond our control. All preordered items though do ship within 24 hours of being received with most shipping the same day.