Celebrating the Prime Video series adaptation, BRUBAKER and PHILLIPS groundbreaking crime series returns to print with stunning new cover paintings and designs.In this first installment of the bestselling, multiple Eisner Award-winning crime noir series, readers meet Leo, a world-class pickpocket who is pressed into helping the cops pull off a heist. But when the job goes terribly wrong, Leo must go into hiding, his dire situation escalates, forcing the thief to put his skills to the test.Originally published in 2007,CRIMINAL, VOL. 1: COWARD_is just the beginning of the critically acclaimed comic book series from** ED BRUBAKER** & SEAN PHILLIPS—the creative team behind**FATALE,NIGHT FEVER,WHERE THE BODY WAS, **and more.**“BRUBAKER and PHILLIPS are modern masters, who craft nail-bitingly tense worlds where nothing is black and white.” —_Publishers Weekly**
Creators: Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips, Val Staples, Sean Phillips
Release Date: 1-22-25
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Release dates listed for preorders are the most up to date information we have from our suppliers but are subject to change and are beyond our control. All preordered items though do ship within 24 hours of being received with most shipping the same day.