Those Not Afraid #4 (CVR B) (Patrick Piazzalunga)
Just when our serial killer leads thought it was safe having escaped the police—a new menace has arrived in a madman far, far worse than Daniel or Mark. One who's desperate to break the state record for kills in bulk. Join us for the final issue of Those Not Afraid and find out what happens when monsters meet real monsters and the final fate for our protagonists. • Four issue series.
Creators: (W) Kyle Starks (A) Patrick Piazzalunga (CA) Patrick Piazzalunga (C) Marco Brakko
Release Date: 4-23-25
Delivery time
Release dates listed for preorders are the most up to date information we have from our suppliers but are subject to change and are beyond our control. All preordered items though do ship within 24 hours of being received with most shipping the same day.