A tale of freedom, revenge, and redemption from the writer of DC Wonder Women and Batgirl.Haunted by his past, Corey Harrison finds himself finally freed from incarceration after serving 17 years for a violent crime. Now, Corey seeks the truth surrounding the recent and mysterious death of his brother, only to discover a vast darkness surrounding his legacy.Neptune is a bleak examination of the capitalist machine, and those trapped in its gears. At once violent and beautiful, grounded and hallucinatory; Michael Conrad (Tremor Dose, Double Walker, Wonder Woman, Batgirls) and breakout artist Nathan Ooten present a true tale of revenge and redemption.
Creators: (W) Michael Conrad (A) Nathan Ooten
Release Date: 3-25-25
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Release dates listed for preorders are the most up to date information we have from our suppliers but are subject to change and are beyond our control. All preordered items though do ship within 24 hours of being received with most shipping the same day.