Image Plus (2017) #10 (Wytches The Bad Egg Pt 10)
IMAGE+ is your backstage pass into the art, writing, and personalities behind our latest comics, written by a team of nationally acclaimed magazine journalists. In this issue, FAREL DALRYMPLE deconstructs the sci-fi vistas behind his new mind-melt masterwork, PROXIMA CENTAURI, we scry into MARK MILLAR's new occult blockbuster, THE MAGIC ORDER, and BLOODSTRIKE auteur MICHEL FIFFE dives into his longboxes to reveal his favorite old-school Image issues. Packed with exclusive interviews, previews, and walkthroughs, IMAGE+ is your definitive guide to the most innovative comics transforming the medium. This issue also includes another terrifying chapter of SCOTT SNYDER and JOCK's relentless nightmare fuel, WYTCHES: BAD EGG, continuing the story of a boy betrayed by his parents to ancient monsters. IMAGE+ is free with any purchase of Diamond's Previews.
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